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May 17, 2023

Leveraging Virtual Assistants to Accelerate Real Estate Business Growth

Leveraging Virtual Assistants to Accelerate Real Estate Business Growth

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and staying ahead requires efficient management of various tasks and seamless communication with clients. In today's digital age, virtual assistants (VAs) offer a cost-effective solution for real estate professionals to streamline operations and scale their businesses. In this blog post, we will explore how virtual assistants can be utilized to foster growth in the real estate sector, highlighting their benefits and potential drawbacks.

That's exactly what our recent guest, Bob Lachance, has accomplished with his virtual assistant company, REVA Global. REVA Global provides real estate entrepreneurs with the tools they need to take back their time and become productive assets to their business. Here are some important thoughts to consider on engaging a virtual assistant to help with accelerate your real estate business. 

Pros of Using Virtual Assistants in Real Estate:

  1. Enhanced Productivity: Virtual assistants can handle routine administrative tasks such as managing emails, scheduling appointments, and organizing paperwork. By delegating these time-consuming responsibilities, real estate professionals can focus on core business activities, including property analysis, client acquisition, and negotiations.

  2. Improved Customer Support: VAs can provide prompt and personalized responses to client inquiries, ensuring excellent customer service. They can handle initial inquiries, arrange property showings, and assist with the documentation process. This allows real estate agents to nurture relationships with clients while VAs handle routine interactions.

  3. Marketing and Lead Generation: Virtual assistants can play a vital role in implementing marketing strategies, managing social media accounts, and generating leads. They can create and curate content, schedule social media posts, and conduct online research to identify potential clients or investment opportunities.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring virtual assistants can be more economical than hiring full-time employees. VAs typically work remotely, eliminating the need for office space, equipment, and benefits. Real estate professionals can benefit from their services on an as-needed basis, scaling up or down as required.

Considerations and Average Costs:

  1. Training and Communication: It is essential to provide clear instructions and guidelines to virtual assistants to ensure they understand the real estate industry's specific needs. Effective communication channels, such as video conferences or project management tools, are crucial for seamless collaboration.

  2. Pricing: The cost of hiring virtual assistants varies depending on their location, experience, and the tasks assigned. On average, hourly rates range from $10 to $30, with some specialized VAs charging higher rates. Monthly retainers or project-based pricing are also common alternatives.

  3. Quality Control: While virtual assistants can be highly skilled, maintaining quality control requires regular supervision, feedback, and performance assessments. Regular communication and clear expectations help ensure that the VA's work aligns with the real estate professional's objectives.


Virtual assistants offer significant benefits for real estate professionals looking to grow and scale their businesses. By outsourcing routine tasks, agents can free up their time and energy to focus on revenue-generating activities. However, it is essential to establish effective communication channels, provide clear instructions, and invest in quality control to maximize the benefits of virtual assistants. With the right approach, virtual assistants can become valuable assets, enhancing productivity, customer support, and marketing efforts while reducing costs in the dynamic real estate industry.