New Episodes Every Tuesday!
July 12, 2022

24. (1 of 2) Seizing Opportunity through 2 Full-Time Jobs, 28 Doors, 16 Airbnbs, a Lake House & $80k/month Cash Flow w/ Yaamu Camara

Many people have spent time thinking about their ‘why’ in life, but few have used their ‘why’ to fuel a passion for amassing generational wealth. Our conversation with Yaamu Camara was amazing to say the least. If you’ve been struggling to find some motivation on your path to financial independence then this episode will quickly motivate you to take the next step towards reaching your goals. Yaamu didn’t start with any sort of headstart in life. After immigrating to the United States from The Gambia she started working two full-time jobs and building her real estate business in parallel. Before long, she built her portfolio to include 28 Doors, 16 Airbnbs, a lake house & $80k/month in cash flow. Yaamu is the epitome of replacing thoughts of “I can’t” with “how can I” when it comes to overcoming obstacles in life. Tune in, and take notes.


You can connect with our guest on Instagram @buildingwealthfromrentals

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You can connect with you hosts on instagram:


James on Instagram: @James_Rippeon


Patrick on Instagram: @RentalPropertyCouple


Let's kick the 9 to 5!



 Yaamu Camara: So I have 28 doors. I have 16 Airbnbs, so I do rental arbitrage. I think we will get into that later on. Yes, properties. I own the doors at 28 doors. I recently closed on a lake house last month. That's amazing deal. I can't wait to get into that.

Intro: You're listening to the real fi podcast where we discuss time, tested tricks, techniques, and strategies for pursuing financial independence today so that we can enjoy.

A better tomorrow financial independence. Isn't about getting rich quick. It's about cultivating a foundation to grow financially, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Let's figure out how to kick the nine to five. Hear your hosts, Patrick and James. 

[00:00:48] Patrick McGrath: All right. How's it going everybody.

[00:00:50] And welcome back to another episode of the. Fi podcast. I'm your host Patrick McGrath with my co-host sitting over there. James Ripon. How's it [00:01:00] going today? 

[00:01:00] James Rippeon: James going good, man. I broke out my colorful beach kind of shirt, trying to live the dream mentally as I'm here working in North Carolina, just dreaming about the beach.

[00:01:09] Other than that going pretty good man. Excited for this interview with Yamo. I think we're gonna hit a lot of great points on investing in real estate and just financial independence and taking action. So I'm looking forward. 

[00:01:20] Patrick McGrath: Heck. Yeah. I'm glad you mentioned the shirt, cuz I was totally gonna mention it if you didn't.

[00:01:24] So everybody who's just listening. Make sure to watch us on YouTube as well. So you can see James's sweet, colorful shirt, Yahoo. We're doing our best to say it. But how are you today? 

[00:01:36] Yaamu Camara: I'm doing great. I'm so excited to be here. Thank you for having me 

[00:01:39] Patrick McGrath: of course. All right, James, let's kick this thing off.

[00:01:43] Yeah. 

[00:01:43] James Rippeon: Why don't you give us a little bit of background about you as a person we want to hear about, your history, like where you come from and give us some of that unique background on you and tell us a little bit about. 

[00:01:53] Yaamu Camara: Yeah, of course. I'm excited. Thank you so much guys, for having me.

[00:01:56] So you can tell from my accent, I'm not from here. [00:02:00] I'm actually from a small country called the Gambian in west Africa, about two point something, million people. From extended family of six siblings, I'm the seventh one, the last one. I studied computer science and mathematics in Gambia. And in my last semester I got a an internship to work for a software engineer company in the gamb.

[00:02:21] From there. In my final semester I started a nonprofit organization that teaches girl how to code like computer codes. Basic it skills. So it took off. And I was picked, I selected from the, by the us government to a school, a fellowship called Manela Washington fellowship is a fellowship for young Africans that are doing like stuff in their communities, like changing lives.

[00:02:43] So as part of that program, it's like a 1% of. Advocates, young advocates. So I was I was fortunate enough to get selected and I came to the us to study so space at Northwestern university. But before I came, because. I'm the only one from my [00:03:00] family, that to make it to college, that is through scholarship.

[00:03:02] So I lost my parents when I was really young. And my sister raised me, my sister and my aunt. So it was like a big deal for me to get go to university and actually make it to the us. But before I left, I already knew I already worked as a software in Gina for four years. Three, three, almost four.

[00:03:19] So I was looking for scholarships. I would apply for different scholarship and I would get like partial scholarship, but not full scholarship. Now, no, even though the scholarship is like $50,000 or whatever pounds, I still need to pay like 3000. Imagine somebody from my village that doesn't even have $500 saved up.

[00:03:34] So it was like, okay, I have gotta pass on it. So these are scholarship that I was looking at in UK. Cause my country is colonized by the British show is easier for us to get a visa to America. So I was like, you know what, let me look in America side. So like I started applying for schools.

[00:03:50] This is when I was applying to going through the process of the fellowship. So it was like a long process for different interviews to. To before I got selected. So I was already [00:04:00] looking for a scholarship in the us. And there was this university that, that I looked at is in Illinois. And I actually applied and I got the application, like I got the.

[00:04:10] To enter the university, but then I still have to pay two tuition fees. So I went to the university website and applied to all the scholarship that I saw, whether I qualify or not, I just applied to everything. So three weeks later, still I'm doing the pro I'm going through the interview process.

[00:04:24] Mind you at this time? I didn't know. I got the fellowship yet. So at the final of the fellowship, when I, when my name came out that I got it. I called I emailed the us members and I was like, Hey, I got this scholar. From the university. So the way the scholarship went was I was supposed to even apply for the scholarship for scholarship, for.

[00:04:43] International students are already in the university and they only have one semester left to graduate. Oh two. So it was a graduate assistance program. So they, I was, let me check, cuz this will haven't even responded to me even say, Hey, you're rejected or. Application did not go through. So I went on a [00:05:00] website and I read the instruction.

[00:05:01] I was like, oh, it makes sense. Why they didn't reach out to me. I don't even qualify. Cause I'm not even in the us, I'm in Africa, this international student that are in the us already and going to school. So I was like, you know what? Yeah, I was just it's whatever. I took my chance. It was free application.

[00:05:17] I just applied. So like few days after like few weeks after that, when I checked and confirmed that this is not for. They emailed me back and they were like, you know what? Your application was too strong. We don't usually do this. We gonna give up and expect exception. Here's the Skype information for the interview.

[00:05:34] It was like midnight in Africa. I was like, they didn't even check to see the time. Mind you. I don't have any internet at home. The only internet access I have is at. So I asked my boss, is it okay for me to stay over the night overnight at the office? And he was like, yeah, sure. Just talk to the security guy and I'll let them know that you're gonna be spending the night.

[00:05:54] So I set up the conference room cause that's the only way place I could get intimate. So out there did the [00:06:00] interview. That was the first time for me to see five white guys for the first time advocate. Cause I hardly see a white person for maybe like once a week or you go to the beach and you see somebody.

[00:06:10] So I was like, oh my God, this is gonna be so scary. Like all of them waiting on their suits and everything. And I'm just scared, like sitting there. So the end of it started. The beginning. I was so nervous, but then like they asked me questions. So this is something I know. So I know how to program. I know.

[00:06:26] So I was just hitting the points. I knew that I was doing great, but I was like, what are the chances that we'll take me. So they were like, this is a competitive scholarship. Like we told ju there's so many international students here that qualified, that apply. We have so many applications. So if you don't hear back from us, that's it like don't call us don't email.

[00:06:43] We'll let you know. Cause it's different raps. I was like, yeah, I'm not gonna get this. Even though I gave it my best. I'm not gonna get this, that the same week that the same week was when the fellows, the name of the fellows for African young African leaders were supposed to be published. So I [00:07:00] got that and I, I got that, that email, the following day or something after the interview for the univers.

[00:07:06] Just the, exactly the next day, the university emailed me and said your interview was so exceptional. We don't even wanna go further with the interview. We picked you. I was I was like, like this screaming at work, everybody was like, what is it? What is it? And I just gave them my, my, my phone. And they were really were like, no way.

[00:07:24] So the same week I got the fellowship and I got the scholarship. So I was like, and the fellowship ends two days before the scholarship. So I have to leave. Cause then I called the youth embassy before I called the youth embassy. And I told them about the scholarship. They were like there's no time.

[00:07:42] And that this was on a Friday. They were like, come right now. Cause we have to give you a visa for that because you can't go to the fellowship and come back. You cannot go to the fellowship and continue. You have to come back then go back. Cuz it's a different visa. So that's how it worked out. I came for the fellowship.

[00:07:57] I was placed at Northwestern university. After [00:08:00] that I went to they flew me to DC to meet president Obama. And then I had to go back on Thursday. This was 2016, go back and come back. And so I left on Friday. The fellowship ended on Thursday. I left, it takes about a day and a half to get. I went home arrived on Friday night, Saturday.

[00:08:18] I'm packing my stuff to come back. Cuz Monday is full. I was so exhausted. My, I have never ended up playing ever. So that was my first time to come on a plane go back. So it was so long for me. It was exhausting and yeah, that's how I got here. So I did my masters completed masters. I got a job with CDC.

[00:08:39] Inana Georgia and yeah. One year after walking for the CDC, actually less than one year I keep getting from a surgical companies, reach out, reaching out to me and I'm like, yeah, this is for us citizens. Like us citizens are the words that can get two jobs. I don't think like I'm on a visa. I don't think I'm allowed to get two jobs.

[00:08:59] Like I [00:09:00] literally just got my blinker like last month, like may. So I was like, okay, this is not for me. So one of my friends, good friends, she was. No, actually the IRS don't care. How many jobs you have, as long as you pay the taxes. I was like, OK, I'll just interview. So I did series of interview with LabCorp and I got it the first one.

[00:09:18] So I was like, okay. Cause I was like, it's a six figure job. Like why wouldn't I take it? And it's online. And by this time at CDC, because I started CDC 20, 19, 20, 19, September. Less than six months, COVID we? We lockdown. So I was working from home. So it's easier for me to do two jobs at home and it's all computer programming, so it was easy.

[00:09:41] So would lab CDC? I do data scientist with lab core. I do study data analysis. Wow, 

[00:09:48] James Rippeon: that's incredible and amazing. You've packed a lot into this short couple minutes we've had so far, and there's just so much unpacked with your history. Is all of your family still in Africa and you're 

[00:09:58] Yaamu Camara: everyone state side right [00:10:00] now.

[00:10:00] Yeah. Yeah. I met my husband. I met my husband in school, so I had a major in computer science and a minor in. He was doing a major in mathematics and the mining, computer science. So we had some math classes. We were not friends. They didn't like me being in a math class and all of them are guys and I asked smart there, by the way, that's why good for you.

[00:10:20] Yeah. Own that. Yeah. So we reconnected when I came to the us. 

[00:10:23] Patrick McGrath: That's amazing. And I, I. For everyone that didn't hear the one part, you just slid in the part on how you like flew in and met with president Obama. Oh. And then you were like, yeah. I flew in and met with president Obama and I'm like, holy crap.

[00:10:38] James Rippeon: No, I'm also looking on your Instagram look like you've met Jack Dorsey too. When you observ event for Microsoft. That's pretty 

[00:10:46] Yaamu Camara: in. Yeah. So that was my first year. So when I came, that was 2017, actually, I think it was my second semester. I got a fellowship with Microsoft and they sent me to represent Microsoft in Florida.

[00:10:59] Trust me. He was [00:11:00] so hard in Florida. That time was so human, even though coming from. So that's, that was when I met him is for it's a convention for women in juniors, women in technology. So I got a check, nice paycheck from Microsoft to go. 

[00:11:16] Patrick McGrath: So for everyone out there, if you just listen to the first five minutes, we haven't even really gotten into, your real estate accomplishments your financial goals and reaching financial independence, and you've already packed.

[00:11:33] So much amazing, stuff, such a great journey. Double masters, working two jobs, like getting a visa, just going through the entire thing. And we, and I know what's coming ahead, the first five minutes have been absolutely amazing. Like anyone who's not inspired by your story already and not ready to hear the rest.

[00:11:54] I don't know what else we can really give you. Let's let's unpack. And now let's start [00:12:00] getting into how the heck are you able to do real estate working? Two jobs now, please so many people out there say they can't do anything. Let's get into that journey and break your note, break your first deal down and tell us where you're 

[00:12:13] Yaamu Camara: at today.

[00:12:14] Sure. So I the job came after I started the second one job came after. So when I started investing, I've already at this point, cuz. This is what I knew. Like I've already worked in Africa for four years, working for somebody making them rich program. I used to work till like midnight. This is when we have a deadline project.

[00:12:32] So I already had that work ethic. And you don't wanna know how much it's less than $200. That $300 that I get paid when you convert it to our money. And that was big money for me then. Mind you. I came from like nothing there's poor. There's poor excessively when you're living with people in people's houses.

[00:12:50] Because my sister got married and she took me and my brother that cause I'm the last, my brother's five years older. So we were the youngest when our parents passed. So she [00:13:00] got married and she took us with him. So we had to live in her husband's extended family. You don't belong.

[00:13:05] So you always have that thing of having that household. I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna try not to cry and still emotions there. But growing up, knowing that, okay, I don't belong in this household. Right ally. Like when you see everybody else with their parents on the behalf, extended family, they would have the same last name.

[00:13:22] You're the only one that doesn't belong. So you. This is not your place. So I always have that feeling of, oh, I wish I, I like a home or like when I'm passing by even as a kid I'm interested with people in their houses and stuff. So that's where it came from. That, so I always. Always wanted oh, look at the house.

[00:13:40] Oh my God. Look at these kids in this nice house. That was my thing. So growing up, like I said, I never had anything. So I had to work. The only thing that I had was school. So even though I'm going through a lot of emotional abuse used a lot of physical abuse at school. My, my thought my way of processing, it was books.

[00:13:59] [00:14:00] So I'll read every book in the library. I've read meals and bound. Any book that was donated to the school library. I read as long as it's a book, I read it. Okay. Borrow books and read. So that was my refuge. And on my brother is a different case because he was a teenager and teenagers. Like they're rebel, they do stuff.

[00:14:18] So he's one of my wives and my son, my, my brother and my son are my wifes. I wanted to make sure I put that. So I'm so grateful to God. Everything that I've achieved is God I'm saying this, just to build the foundation, to explain the future. So you will see how it makes sense. The second job came after.

[00:14:35] So when I started work, so I already knew that I don't wanna be, keep walking like that, like slaving for somebody, you know how here everyone's like you are walking to make people rich. I've experienced that in Africa. So I other people be like, you should be grateful. You're getting 16,000. Dialysis.

[00:14:51] That's our currency. That's a lot of money, I was taking care of my family and I was doing everything, but I knew how much the company was making based on what I'm doing. So I [00:15:00] know the difference it does in imagine. Does it, if it makes sense for somebody else that would say you should be grateful.

[00:15:05] Like you got, you went to college now you got this good job or whatever, but. It doesn't amount to the kind of work I put in. I'll work all the way. Every time I'll go home nine, if there's a deadline, I would, we would spend like me and my colleagues would be there all the way. Cause it was a startup tech company.

[00:15:21] Now it's the one of the biggest companies there. So I was like, I don't wanna give my all, and this is the thing. The owner of the company is also from my country, but he came, he, his parents are well, so he was, he studied in the. He was in his thirties and I was in my twenties. But the age guy, I'm like, he's so young and he has this company.

[00:15:41] He has us working like slaves here, it like, I want that too. I don't want to be the worker here. I want that for myself too. So I always imagine how it that's why I kept looking for Saia. I gotta get out. I gotta find a way it's not gonna be here. So I already had. That, that feel in me to always I want more, I don't just don't want to be a walk.

[00:15:59] I want more, [00:16:00] so coming here, I was like, okay, let me get my education. Let me get my paperwork together. And then I'm gonna start. So me starting a job, I already knew this. I'm not gonna be doing 95. Like I did back home over here. America's a line of opportunities and I'm gonna go all for it. So I started reading books.

[00:16:16] I was like, okay, I'm gonna surround myself with what I wanna do. So I always interested in housing and I know that real estate. It's the way for all rest people when you talk to them. So I stumbled up on a lot of stuff like doing my research in real estate. I will see bigger podcast. I will see other podcast, any podcast that I see and listen to it.

[00:16:33] So that kind of stayed with me. We say, okay, minute, I got this job. I'm started. So before I even confirmed with the CDC job, when I was getting the CDC, I didn't even know it was when I graduated. I was just looking for any. Just to get my paperwork, if you are, if you're a us international student in the us, when you graduate in the science field, you have one year that you can work for a tech company that you study, like a field that you studied to get your visa, to [00:17:00] get the company, to sponsor your visa.

[00:17:01] So I didn't have. I had one year buffer to get that. So when you get that some company at that time, it was hard for the companies to, to sponsor cuz they didn't wanna deal with immigration stuff. They'd rather take somebody and train them. Who does it, who has already have their papers. It's not an F1 visa.

[00:17:17] So I have to work extra hard. To show the companies. I can do this. You need me. So I was, I would do technic, if you are in it, you would know how hard technical interviews are you like life quoting, why they watch you. Okay. Build this okay. Programs and you sit down. So I would study like anything. Like I basically learned all the other programming language, but I, that I didn't know, just to get in person.

[00:17:38] I had just one year. So it was so hard for me. By that time I've already married at my husband. So I was already pregnant when I was graduating. So I got my first job and then they wanted me to start on a Monday, but I was eight months pregnant. I was like They were like, no, we'll give it to we want someone to start now.

[00:17:58] I knew they, they wouldn't give it [00:18:00] to me because I'm gonna go on maternity leave anyway. They just give it to the second person round. So I was just I never gave up, I just keep interview when I was interviewing for the CDC job. I didn't even know it was for federal. I just said classified.

[00:18:11] And I was like, I thought it was like an error or something. I didn't care. I was just interviewing for everything. So I interviewed for them. And the day of the interview, they were like, there were so many rules that did make sense. Like you don't do this. Do that, dude. I was like, why is this company so weird?

[00:18:26] Like I never knew. So when I did the interview, they were like, no noise. The supervisor or director is gonna be listening. And of the department, it's gonna be listening and no, this not that. Put your phone on this, don't do this. It was a lot. So I was like, this is weird. Mind you at this? I don't even know what CBC meant.

[00:18:43] The interview. I went out to the patio and the lawn care people decided that day to do. Cause I live, I lived in an apartment complex. Then they were doing the lawn care. Like they were, it was like V I ran, usually it's the quietest place I ran inside and I apologize. And they [00:19:00] were like, yeah, we are here.

[00:19:01] You can go ahead. I was so nervous. I did the interview. I was like, yeah, I'm not gonna get it. 30 minutes later, the recruiter called me and. Did you even know who you interviewed for? I was like, no, you said classified. He said, you, you interviewed for CDC. I was like, huh. It was like, yeah, the federal government.

[00:19:16] And they love you so much. They wanna take you. I was like, really? They were like, he said, do you even know? I was like, no, I didn't. He's like, why didn't you ask? I was like, if I knew what CDC, I would've been scared and I wouldn't even have performed the way I did. So I got the. But then they thought I had my papers.

[00:19:35] They didn't know about F1 student. So it was like, send me your passport. Send me the, I was like, okay. I sent it. It was like, no, I made your us boss. So I was like, I don't have a us passport. I don't even have a green card student visa was like, oh my God, let me call you back.

[00:19:48] Hang up at this point, I was like, yeah, I'm not gonna get. That's it. And then he called me back. He was like they love you so much. They'll still wanna go ahead and make an exception, but you're gonna go through a long process of [00:20:00] verification, this biometric blah. I was like, I'm ready for it. I'll take it.

[00:20:03] So I had to wait two months, three months to get that paperwork and everything done. And I started September September nine or seven 10 or something like that. 20. I worked there for four six before. Like it was like September, October, November, December, January, February, March. So by December COVID happened, but it hasn't hit America then.

[00:20:23] And then March happened. So we shut down and we have to work from home. I got my laptop. I'm working from home, but before the COVID hit, I've already been doing research. I've learned. So I've read so many books in real estate. I have listened to so many podcasts, so I was ready. So I approach a. And they were like, first of all we love your interior and your, like your will to work to get your first property.

[00:20:48] Like I wrote to all the banks and I'll call all the local banks. Cause in one of the books says work with local banks. Cause they're gonna help you, call all the local banks. And only got only one back to [00:21:00] listen to me. Cause first of all, my credit score wasn't high. When I was a student they, I worked for the university and they waived my tuition fee and give me a thousand dollars typing.

[00:21:08] So I didn't have, I didn't have like money or it was a debit card that I used to buy boss pass. And pay my rent and then buy groceries. That's it. And I didn't have anyone, cause I don't know anyone. I didn't have anyone, myself who tell me about credit or anything. So I didn't have a credit card at that time until I graduate until I started work, they were like, first of all, you have to go get a capital one or discover a card or like a secure credit card and start building your credit.

[00:21:37] Cause your credit is like in the 500, there's no history there. And come back in six months, seven months or one year. Basically you're not ready. I was like, I know the banks only they, their focus is finances and the deal. And if the deal makes sense of I'm gonna find them a deal that they're not gonna be able to reject.

[00:21:55] But this time, I have the theory right. Of analyzing deals and stuff. So I [00:22:00] found a TriFlex in the. For 52,000, it was two units upstairs, one unit downstairs and two units in the basement, 52,000. So my down payment was about eight or 12,000, roughly. So with That would I calculated? I was like, okay, analyze everything.

[00:22:16] I was like, this is the property I found. These are the sheets. I went on a contract on the property without even anything. So I told them, I need you guys to finance. This is the deal. I was like, even if one tenant pay, I'll be able to pay a three, $300 mortgage. And even though I don't have a job history of that, with the three months that I just started work, I have this much saved up.

[00:22:36] I have the down payment and even if the tenants don't pay for two. All I need is one tenant to pay. They were like, okay, we get back to you a few days later, they were like, okay, here's your approval letter? You can go ahead. I went on a contract. COVID April. I closed on the fourth deal April 23rd, 2020.

[00:22:54] So right inside COVID I was doing this deal. So that was my first [00:23:00] one. Later found out that the, was it the rent rule that I was given wasn't even correct. So the seller was going through a very bit of divorce and it was COVID and tenants were not paying right. That wasn't in the rent rule, it just said, oh, you were cash flow about 1000 something.

[00:23:15] So I was like, oh, that makes sense. After the, after I closed, I, it told her that the agent was lying, just wanted to close. So make the. The property manager, rent, everything was a mess. The tenant upstairs was about to leave the one downstairs haven't paid for months. And then one of the unit was vacant.

[00:23:33] Mind you, I live in Georgia, this was in the Midwest, but that's what I could afford. So I was like, okay, fine. I'm already in, there's not, I'll have to make this work. So I gave one of, two of the tenants cast for keys. But only in one unit was rentable. I got that rented. I worked with the property manager, so whatever rent I get, I will put it back to the house and fix it up.

[00:23:52] I fixed up that place. Like it, it didn't, I didn't do like a huge fix or rent of it. I just did like paint here and there and got it. [00:24:00] Rented. Now I'm have, now I have two units that are cash flowing and I put that money and some of the money I save up the fix of the upstairs and rent it out. Now that property cash flow about 2000 and some change.

[00:24:11] And my mortgage is only three 50 something. And the mortgage I had was on the 15 years, I told them don't even gimme 30, give 15, 15 years. Like I'm out. I got this. So my mortgage was now I regret it. I wish I was 30, 30 years. But yeah, it cash. I had property manager manage it for me outta state.

[00:24:27] So I was like, I went. I went through hell for that property, to get it to that level. So the bank was so impressed. I was like, I need to get my second deal. The second deal. I did the same thing. 

[00:24:38] James Rippeon: Let's take a break there. Gotta pump the breaks here. There is so much we got on pat. Like we could let you just keep going.

[00:24:44] I don't think Patrick and I. Need to ask any questions, but for our benefit, we just feel like we have to like, ask something to cl oh my gosh you are killing it. And you are doing so much incredible things right now. From everything before you get into [00:25:00] real estate up until right now, when you're like starting to talk about your journey, getting into this financial independence path.

[00:25:06] One question I do have has to do with that loan that you got on that first triplex. Do you know, if that loan is still held by that? Are you paying the mortgage payments, the same bank? Did they shop that off? 

[00:25:18] Yaamu Camara: No, it's the same bank. It's the same bank and I have done multiple deals with them. Actually.

[00:25:23] We've built that relationship. Yep. And that's something I 

[00:25:25] James Rippeon: wanted to highlight for everybody is like your intuitive instinct after reading, researching to. Form local relationships is so key because even with having a low credit score, you're able to find the deal and make the deal with the bank work because of the deal itself.

[00:25:40] Not just because of them trying to jam a square peg or round hole as far as a pre predefined lending criteria. So that's super important for everyone to take. Take a note of Patrick. What kind of questions you got on this first? 

[00:25:52] Patrick McGrath: Man. I really have to break down a couple things here because you got a no, [00:26:00] because first of all you didn't have any credit.

[00:26:02] So you had no credit. Second. You did exactly what everybody says and you called every single local bank. No one would deal with you, but you found one that was like if you get some credit, we might be able to help you. So that was another, no, then. You went and found a deal that you could afford, which was outta state thousand miles away from where you live.

[00:26:27] Yep. And. You went back to the bank and presented them with the offer. You were like, Hey, you told me no already, but this is a great deal. Let me just try and they said, yeah, sure. Then you found out that everyone lied to you, everybody and it's and mind you, this is during COVID. Yeah. Every single person lied to you.

[00:26:50] The agent lied to you, the property manager lied to you, and you had to deal with all of this. Out of state and then the part you glossed over right at the [00:27:00] end was now it's cash flowing two grand a month. And this is two and a half years later. So I just had to pump the breaks there for a second because I, James and I are gonna do our best to really not try to derail because you articulate and tell your stories so fantastic.

[00:27:19] But I was like, whoa, we have to just break a couple of those things down for the listeners that may not have been able to pick up on all of that. So let's get in. Let's continue on the story on after this one. Where are you? Where are you at now? 

[00:27:35] Yaamu Camara: After that I was like, okay, this worked well, I know I don't have any much of money right now cuz all my money that I had saved over about 7,000 all went into getting that unit and getting those two units to sponsor the upstairs unit to get that rented.

[00:27:49] So I was like, okay, few months later I was like, I need to find another deal cuz it was so exciting. Cause now I know I'm ready. The property has appraised. I have at least 20, 20,000. [00:28:00] 30,000 in the property already, once it was all fixed up. And I was like, okay, how about I go back to them and tell them I found another deal.

[00:28:07] So I was like, okay, where else can I invest? Where else can I look for a deal like this? So I was doing research in the Cleveland area, cuz on a bigger pockets on all the other investors or order podcasts that are listening to, they will. Cleveland Midwest this. So I was like, okay, lemme look into Cleveland.

[00:28:23] So I'll go on podcasts. I will go on bigger pocket podcasts and I'll see, I will go to the page where Cleveland investors is mentioned. So I'll do my research. I would say, Hey it, I wrote like my whole little piece. Essay about myself. I'm a new investor. I'm looking to get into this market.

[00:28:39] What advice do you have? What do you recommend? All that stuff. I'll basically send it to everybody that invests in Cleveland and they will tell me it will invest here. So invest here. Make sure you don't go here. This is a area. This is B 80. This is C area. This is don't invest here. You wanna be in the, a area, but I'm looking at the, a area numbers.

[00:28:57] I'm like I don't have a down payment behind [00:29:00] for these kind properties. I'm in the 70, 60, down payment, 10, 12,000 range. So I was like, okay, how about I find a very great deal in the, in between, so it's not D area, but it's not B it could be C but lower C. Not so bad, right? It's not like where they're shooting each other or like the crime rate is too high.

[00:29:21] So I found this deal. It's a lady. She has, she's a lawyer and she has a construction company. So she buy properties from a tax sale and then fix them up and then sell them to key. So I had this deal. She had two duplexes, actually wanted both of them. Cause the deal was so good and the area was up and coming now it's like the area, then it was like a deep, so I was like, okay.

[00:29:45] I reach out to the agent itself, him herself, instead of finding, trying to find my own agent. Cause I found like it's a local, when you reach out to the agent, cuz now they can represent you. And then you are presenting to them as an investment meeting after this. We [00:30:00] might work on another one. It's potential here.

[00:30:02] I'm doing this long term. It's not just this property. So I reached out to the agent. She was like, I can't represent you, but I have a friend of mine that can't. So what she did was the friend, her friend that she's talking about is actually her daughter, but she didn't wanna tell me at that point, but what that means, and her daughter just joined her brokerage where she works at.

[00:30:22] So she's the one training her daughter. So she was like, but it's like, basically she's helping me. She's helping the daughter do it. So she was like, okay, this is what I'm gonna do. I'll rep I'll have her represent you, but I'll tell you like I will guide her on how to do it. Cause she's also name. I was like, fine.

[00:30:38] I just wanted to get through her cuz she has to listen. Had to have the deal to make sense. It was a duplex. It's a two two, three bedroom upstairs, two bedroom downs. It was 700 rent upstairs, six something downstairs. So it was order to bring in a thousand plus. So I was like, okay, fine. I found a deal.

[00:30:56] I was told to the, I went back to the bank and said, this deal is [00:31:00] even better than the first one. Guess what? These are the numbers. This is the rent, mind you, this type of learn from my mistake, I won the rent and the pay stops in the bank account. I don't want a PDF file say, oh, it's 600. Oh, it's 700.

[00:31:14] That's right now. I need to see the everything and the leases and all of that. So I got all that information. I told them, mind you the bank. They made the yes, like the same day and they already have everything so that I didn't need to submit anything else. Not in change. My job still it's like few months apart.

[00:31:30] So I went ahead and I went on a contract on that property for 68,000 and it brings about three $1,350 a month. My mortgage on it. Next time I've wise up is 30. And my mug is 2 58 point something mind you I'm making like 1350 or something like that. So it was a no brand on the bank. They finance it.

[00:31:51] I was like I'm ready to go. Now I'm getting 2000 over here, plus 1000 some change over here. So it's like I had my [00:32:00] property manager, he was taking like eight. So I was still able to still pay my mortgage. Mind you, the utilities are paid by the tenant. I only pay like the sewer bill that comes every three months or something like that, the water bill and the sewer.

[00:32:13] So it was like, I still have to send that back to the tenant. Sometimes I don't cause it's like $30 or $50, so I just pay it out. But I gave them a car. If it's more than hundred, you guys are gonna pay for it. So it's never at higher than that. So it's always that that, that. I got that property. I was like, yep.

[00:32:30] I need another one. Cuz it now I'm cash flowing. Now the property was appraised. Now the pro the people that were telling me don't cause at this point, cause I like to form relationship with people. If you are doing something that I wanna be at, like I wanna be doing, I follow you when you pour something.

[00:32:47] I. Comment. I ask questions. I do all of that stuff. So at that point they were already, they also buying and selling like in, in bulk, the same people were selling me mail. They still are sending mail to buy the same [00:33:00] property. And I was like, wait, hold on. You guys still be not buying this area and you are investors.

[00:33:05] Now. Now I'm looking at it myself as a seasoned investor. Right. I learned something I'm like, if I bought the property seven months, For 68,000, right? Cash flowing this month. You guys want to buy it for double the price. Something is wrong. It's either. It is E cause when you buy it, you have to make profit on it.

[00:33:22] I was like, then my property is not worth how much you is trying to buy from me. So I'm like, Nope, it's cash flowing. I'm good. If I need money, I can go to the bank and refinance, pull that money and do it again. Cause it's only positively task. I still have the same. The same tenants. So I was like, no, I'm not selling it, but that's just something so people to learn, right?

[00:33:41] When you have your properties, cash flowing, if you are selling it, make sure you're selling it to make profit, to put on two other properties. So I'm selling it because, oh, it's to go and flip it. So that's why I love buy and buy. And whole, I like to buy if I flip it's because it is so much profit, I can't pass on it.

[00:33:58] So that's how I got the [00:34:00] second deal. And now it has appra for. Cause they were offering me like 1 35 and I go to a place as one 60. You bought it for, you bought it for 68,000 68, 60 8,068. 

[00:34:14] Patrick McGrath: So your cash flowing over a thousand dollars a month and you have a hundred thousand dollars in equity yeah.

[00:34:21] On a property that the same people that told you not to invest in the area yeah. Are now sending you letters to buy your 

[00:34:29] Yaamu Camara: property. I still get letters from everyone. Every, almost every week. I'll get a letter from somebody saying you wanna buy the property, 

[00:34:37] Patrick McGrath: sending you postcards and everything else.

[00:34:39] Yaamu Camara: Yep. Which is It's cause I do entertain it. It's just nice to know oh, you paid this much. OK. It's just so how much would you pay for? And it was like, we can close in three days, cash offer distances and I'm like, yeah, lemme think about it. But I'm like, no, thanks. Bye. It's just nice.

[00:34:57] Patrick McGrath: That's money. That's so awesome. [00:35:00] So let's let's jump ahead. Just a little bit. And currently right now. So you started. In 2020 beginning of 2020. We're in the middle of 2022. So let's just call it, two years, two years. Yep. How many properties do you currently have? And what does that mix up?

[00:35:23] Like where are you sitting at right now? 

[00:35:26] Yaamu Camara: Okay. So I have 28 doors. I have 16 Airbnbs, so I do rental arbitrage. I think we will get into that later on. Yeah. But properties, I owned the doors at 28 doors. I recently closed on a lake house last month. That's amazing deal. I can't wait to get into that, but my net, I would say is about 1.7 now, like it grows so fast cause of the cashflow that's coming in.

[00:35:53] So a few months ago it was like 1.2. And I spoke to my CPA last week when he was finalized it on my taxes. And it [00:36:00] was like, yeah, you at 1.7 plus something like that. And this include, this does not include, remember the analysis. We talked about that property. So I was like, wait, hold on. What. Yeah, 

[00:36:11] Patrick McGrath: we'll we're gonna, we're gonna jump into that one in a second.

[00:36:14] So what you just said is in two years, you now have 28 doors. You have 16 Airbnbs that are through rental arbitrage, right? 

[00:36:26] Yaamu Camara: No, six 16, eight of them is Abba. Trust eight is March. 

[00:36:29] Patrick McGrath: Okay. So 16, eight is arbitrage eight is hers Airbnbs . You've got a lake house. That's also gonna be an Airbnb and your net worth for your taxes.

[00:36:42] Last year for 2021 was $1.7 million. And this doesn't even include the new deal. 

[00:36:49] Yaamu Camara: I have to pay IRS $20,000. I. My CP was like, you can't make that much money and not pay the IRA. They need a piece of that. I was like I get into real estate. So [00:37:00] I wouldn't pay all this taxes. It was like, yeah, if it wasn't real estate, you were paying way more.

[00:37:04] I was like 

[00:37:05] James Rippeon: cost segregation, study away from not paying taxes ever again. 

[00:37:10] Patrick McGrath: Exactly. We'll, I'll have to tell you about that one. James you gotta break this down a little bit, man. I know your mind is going bananas. 

[00:37:17] James Rippeon: It's incredible to progress with man like that. I'm looking at my own life and I'm being like, I have this saying that always tell people whenever someone like complains about wherever they're coming from, or they say something's too hard.

[00:37:27] I always tell 'em people have done more with. And just hearing where you've come from and what you've built up to over just the past few years is incredible. And it's honestly just a Testament to people having to just get off their ass and. Make those decisions to take action. I want to, I wanna talk more about these Airbnbs that you got going on.

[00:37:46] Okay. Cause I feel like there's something super special in there. Hidden, hidden in there that I think a lot of our listeners can really dig into and extract something from. So give us a little bit of background about your Airbnb business, both on the side of you earning some of those [00:38:00] properties and also some of the creative arbitrage aspects that you have going.

[00:38:04] Yaamu Camara: Yes. Yeah. So my so what happened was, so I have this rental going on at this point, after the two rentals, I was able to save a lot of money, so I was like, you know what, now I'm gonna start buying very cheap and fixing up so I can for appreciation. So my third. Deal was like a cash off of 15,000.

[00:38:22] I fixed it up. It's worth now 60. I rented it on section eight. So I'm getting like 1500 a month. It's a, it was a four bedroom possible five with two full baths. It was a great deal. I loved it. I did that. That was amazing. I. I with that cash flow, plus the two cash, two properties, I was able to buy another one, a package due for five, from a tax, somebody who went on a investor who does, who goes to on a tax sale and buy property.

[00:38:46] So I was able to buy a five units, five property package. So that kind of supercharge, cause now I'm taking and the deal the way. Structured the deal for me was I only put like a down payment, a small down payment on each of the properties [00:39:00] and pay him 500 every month. He just wanted cash flow, pay him 500 every month.

[00:39:04] So what I did was I would I put the down payment all five and instead of paying 500 every month, all of them, I took my own money of 15, 15 or 20,000 and fixed up one. And paid that off. So I had actually, I didn't pay off. I took the money cause it did it to me. I fixed it up and put it on section eight.

[00:39:21] Now I'm taking the 1500 to pay for this other ones. So it's my money is in 20 grand, but I already have the force equity. So I use that to pump it out. So what I would do is I'd recycle the money and fix all. So I've fixed three of those five and I have two left and I've paid off all that three.

[00:39:36] The other one's left is like 3000 left. I can pay it off, but there's no interest. What's the rush. It's just 500 and I'm having the rentals pay for it. Now this is 2020, right. 2021 came. Everybody's talking about, the shut made everyone crazy. We are shut down.

[00:39:51] Nobody goes anywhere. So Airbnb was like the topic everybody's like doing Airbnb. And I did, and I, what I did was I followed everyone has [00:40:00] Airbnb. Host on their social media. At this point I created, I left my own social media, Instagram, and I created a whole identity, a whole that's when I created my page name, I was like this page.

[00:40:11] I'm only gonna follow real estate. Anyone that follow me, that's not even real estate. I'm blocking you, everybody. Everything is real estate. I just wanna hear anything. Investment financial freedom. That's all I wanna do. That's what I wanna follow. I want to surround myself with people. That's what I followed you guys and follow everyone else on.

[00:40:32] So with Airbnb, I was like, okay, anybody that has Airbnb host on their page or short rental I'm followed. So I was like, okay. Then I was like, I think I need a course. Cause I would follow people for free. I'm very cheap. Before I bought a course. I will research on you. I will check if your numbers are you, if you're selling a course, are you posting your units or are you just selling courses?

[00:40:51] So I was like, okay. So I will look at different courses that are cheap, like 35. I will join free webinars and stuff, but I still have that. Piece of information that I was [00:41:00] looking for that was missing. So I went and created my LLC. I was like, no matter what, I'm still gonna do it. Even before buying that course, I was like, let me create an LLC, cuz it's not gonna, it is not gonna be a loose at that point.

[00:41:10] I already have a LLC created a LLC, did all of the things that I read on the free webinars or washing the free webinars, created the LLC. And I'm like, now I'm ready. So I bought two, two courses and I was listening to them. So I was like, Calling cause in the courses, they were like call and ask the apartment complex that you wanna do this.

[00:41:28] And there was the speech that they give and everything I called, I was like I live in a, I live in an apartment complex now. Cause I don't, I didn't have my home. Then I was like, I'm gonna call up. I'm gonna start with my apartment complex that like they have 80 something apartment complex.

[00:41:41] So I was like, Did wore my suit, everything they said looked professional, blah, blah. I even took the deeds of my property to show them that I'm literacy. I even have my own rental. So trust me, I'm gonna take care of your property. They were like, ah, your LSC has to be at least one year. Your LSC is just one month older.

[00:41:58] I'm a kind of person. If I [00:42:00] think about it, I do the research. I don't wait. Cuz then I start doubting myself. I'm just gonna jump or do it. I learn from there, learn from other people's mistakes and then move on, but I still gotta do it. So I was like, I'm not gonna give up. So I went ahead and called all. I met a list of I think 155 apartment complexes in Georgia.

[00:42:20] And every day I would just call maybe 10 every day, I'll call 10 20, and then I will have yes, nos and I'll set up appointments and I'll go and I'll talk to them about excellent. My business model. I wanna rent to travel nurses. I wanna rent to business people, not just cuz the concept that people have with Airbnb is partying.

[00:42:36] What if they break this? If what if that? So I was like I'm gonna present. Somebody who went to travel nurse, everybody respect nurses and doctors, everybody. And then you don't. When you think nurses, you don't think crime, you think about working all the time, serious stuff, good pay and all of that, right?

[00:42:54] Respectful people, just like nurses and teachers. You always. I have a [00:43:00] classified set of place that you put there. So I pitch my pitch. I make my pitch and this is what I wanna do. And when they ask question about, okay, so how do you, how you gonna manage it? I already have an answer for them.

[00:43:11] I have, I'm gonna have a ring camera. I'm gonna have a cleaner clean up the units when they're ready. And I have a maintenance guy. So if there's a issue, let's say, there's say a breakage or a maintenance. If it's more than two 50, I'll let you know. But if not, I'll fix it myself. Like everyone wants to hear that as a landlord is fix it.

[00:43:28] It was, oh, you fix it. Oh, okay. Cause you are not gonna have a tenant. That's gonna fix that. And I said, there's not gonna be a wear and tear and it's not gonna be using the place a lot. Cause they're nurses and doctors, they walk. Weird hours. They come and sleep. They might cook here and there. But it's they were like, oh yeah.

[00:43:42] Okay. So they gimme a chance. They were like your LLC is not as all as we want it to be. So we recommend you put it in your name. And then after six months you can, we can convert it into the LLC name right into your LLC. So it's not like your. They ran my credit again. [00:44:00] I was building up the credit.

[00:44:01] Wasn't all that was, I explained to them why my history wasn't loan, but they know that I don't have no student loan. Cuz I had a food scholarship. I don't have a car on a, bought a cheap of car for 5,000. That way. It's not like I bought a car and I have a loan, so I don't have any my credit cards.

[00:44:16] I paid them off. I used them like how they thought me to use it, paid off, go small. So when they're running it was like, oh yeah. And she has a good job. She has a. And she has this income coming in. I printed everything. I showed them just to be clear, just to be transparent. So they gave me a chance. I got the unit then got another unit.

[00:44:34] So the first unit, when I got it, it was fully booked for two, two months or so. And then I got a booking from this guy, from their company for $44,000. 44,000 for whole one year. It was insane. Mind you? I don't own the property. The rent was 1200. So when I get like on average, my rental was like 3000, 4,000.

[00:44:56] So I paid them the 1200 and I walk away about 3000 [00:45:00] or 2008, something like that. Profit. And then for two months, I did this April, 2021. I have a thing with April. I don't know all my stuff started in April. Some, it was April 17 that I listed the unit funny. Use the credit card and then pay dog and fund it.

[00:45:15] So I pay a security deposit. They were like your security deposit because your credit's not that good. So we'll require a higher security deposit, but you get it when you move out. I didn't care. Cause after running the numbers, I knew no matter what I'll make at least 2000 plus on this property. It was booked like two months straight, like all the, but it was like a high turnover and I had my cleaner, but it was like high turnover.

[00:45:38] I never had a long time today. It was like three days, five days, four days. But it was still booked up, which is exciting. Then I had one booking. I actually was going back and forth. One of the guests, like it was it was, she was supposed to check out at 10. At nine 40 something or 9 50, 48 or nine 50.

[00:45:56] She said she wants to go use the pool. I was like the pool is not closed. They sent an [00:46:00] email that they're doing maintenance, so you can. I was like, you only had 10 minutes actually to just say, yeah, I wanna use the pool, blah, blah, blah. I was like, no, you can't use the pool. She did. She ignored me. I went to the ma to the pool and the maintenance people told her she can, she calls a scene.

[00:46:15] I was like, oh my God, they call me. They were like, we need to talk to you. So I thought it was like, okay, it's over. They gonna. But I had bookings already. So I went in there and I talked to the management office. They were like she was causing, she was having issues with the maintenance guy, cause she wanted to use the pool and they were doing some work there and it was a back and forth commotion.

[00:46:32] I was on the phone and I could hear her screaming with them. I drove there and I was coming home. I was like, at this point, I think they're gonna cancel. They say, we'll send you a letter of warning, blah, blah. Cause you told us that it's not gonna be any issues. Now this lady's here screening. So I was like, it's over, but this time is over.

[00:46:47] I don't think on my way I saw. You know how, like on Airbnb book, you get a message saying, somebody booked, congratulations, somebody booked this. So I'm driving this a red stop. So I tried out on my phone and I saw [00:47:00] three, three, three nights. Usually it's five nights, three nights. I'm like 3 30, 3.

[00:47:03] That don't make sense to me. This person literally book for a whole year. Company booked him for four years, like 34,000. And then after Airbnb were like, they made a mistake and it was supposed to be 44,000 because after they did a discount for him that they were not supposed to do. So I ended up getting like 44,000 for a unit.

[00:47:22] So my, they would pay me like 4,000 and some change. Mind you, my. Rent was like 1200. My internet was like 50 at 50 or 40 something. It was like the cheapest one, cuz it's just one bedroom unit. And then my other bills were like maybe maximum all my bills, like one 50. So all in I'm saying, so this is your 

[00:47:41] Patrick McGrath: so again, this is your first 

[00:47:44] Yaamu Camara: Airbnb, this yep.

[00:47:46] I don't own it. Somebody's probably you don't own 

[00:47:48] Patrick McGrath: it. You put it in your name. They told they, they told you originally. No, you. To 15 or 20 other apartment complexes. Oh, you were transparent with them. You told 'em what you were trying to do. [00:48:00] And they said why don't you put it in your own name?

[00:48:02] And you started doing that and getting these, couple day bookings here, couple day bookings there were trying to make it all work and then all of a sudden, someone, a company books it for the entire year and you get. Over $40,000 booking. Yep. And this is what, like two months in a month 

[00:48:22] Yaamu Camara: in this this is like the third month.

[00:48:23] Yeah. 

[00:48:24] Patrick McGrath: Three months in. Yeah. Three months in tell us 

[00:48:27] James Rippeon: what did you think when that happened? What 

[00:48:29] Yaamu Camara: did you was an accident? I parked at a company cause I was driving from Atlanta to where I leave. I was like, I gotta park. I parked my car. I didn't think it was possible 3 30, 3 nights.

[00:48:41] That's insane. I'm like how much money does these people have? Like, why would you, at this point you could actually go and apply for an apartment in your name and pay for it. But I was like That's not my business. They poked it. And I was like, I have to park full Airbnb, cuz I, I used to hear like scamming and stuff.

[00:48:56] This has to be one of those. So I parked in the [00:49:00] office, like I was like, there's a parking lot. I just went took the next exit and just went and parked there and I called Airbnb. They were like, yeah. And they were like, you actually, cause I was on the phone with them in the morning. About that guest.

[00:49:12] Cause she had to call Airbnb was back and forth. They were like see what happened? You were so frustrated with just a few hours ago. Now look, you got this it's literal is booked. And the pay actually went through. I was like, are you serious? So me at that time, I never, I didn't know. So like the three days bookings and stuff, you get the money after the guest checks in.

[00:49:32] So I was thinking I'm getting the 44,000 right there the next day. So the next day I'm waiting. I can't sleep in the morning. Like I'm buying a property. I was like, how many? I put a down payment here, 20,000. I put another down payment, another property. I'm excited. So in the morning I'm like, it's nine o'clock.

[00:49:47] Okay. It's 10 o'clock. They still did not sign a payment. I was like, at this point in like mid of the day, I call, like, when am I getting the payout? They said, Go to Airbnb, go to the app, go there, look at the [00:50:00] breakdown. I looked at the break. I was like, this says four, 4,000, 4,000 some change every month. Why am I not getting the payout?

[00:50:05] Cause my other bookings, I get the, it was like, yeah, those are smaller booking with this one. We are breaking it down. So they're not giving me the 44,000. I'm like, oh. Yeah. Cause I already had planned for that. I was like, I'm buying two more properties. I'm putting a 20% down, 2% down here. I was excited, but I still get to, it is still the same.

[00:50:23] It doesn't just come at one time, but getting 4,000 some change on a property that I didn't own. And my payment was like 1350 or something. That was just amazing. So when 

[00:50:32] James Rippeon: you went to the apartment complex to negotiate this lease, did you have to include any spec specific or special provisions in this lease?

[00:50:41] Are you paying more than market rents for normal rental with this? What kind of things happened on, on the 

[00:50:47] Yaamu Camara: lease end it, so what happened was I have to pay my security deposit. So with somebody let's say you have a good credit. They probably say two 50 for me. I have to pay, I have to put down the month's.

[00:50:58] Like secure. If the rent [00:51:00] was 1200, I was supposed to put into I, my security deposit was the same rent. Gotcha. So 

[00:51:06] James Rippeon: just which isn't even 

[00:51:06] Yaamu Camara: crazy positive. Yeah. That was my penalty for not getting good credit and putting, also putting in my name. And that's my point. 

[00:51:12] James Rippeon: You got a killer deal for this.

[00:51:14] You're renting this for market rents and you didn't have to give up an arm and a leg to get this deal to happen. You just had to. Put in a lot of leg work. Yeah. And here you are. So that's 

[00:51:22] Yaamu Camara: pretty incredible. And the furniture I use this so there's a, there's this program that the local furniture store, again, this goes back to building relationship with local stores, look at other offers that they have like special offers.

[00:51:35] The furniture store actually had this program. It's a, it is a, it's a so if you have a job they look, they run your credit at this point. I don't want anybody running my credit. I'm very careful with that. But I took the risk with the apartment cause I need it. I know what I'm gonna get from it.

[00:51:50] So with the company, I was like, is it possible not to run my credit? They said, actually this program is a. Just to do a soft pool. And you have to put where your salary goes in. [00:52:00] So in the application, you have to say how much you make at your work. So if the furniture was like, so I took, I was qualified for 2005.

[00:52:08] So I used that 2005. I pay every month, you pay off in three months in, in 90 days, if you don't pay it off, then you'll pay interest. But I knew that in 90 days, my Airbnb, I was definitely gonna pay that off. So that's exactly what I. 

[00:52:21] Patrick McGrath: That's so cool. Yeah. They, so they financed it 0% interest yeah.

[00:52:25] On the furniture, so you didn't have to pay for that. Like you were like, Hey, I'll figure that out in 90 days, the Airbnb will pay for it. So it's you basically got it for free. Yeah. All right. So that's your first one. So then you went out and did that seven more times. 

[00:52:41] Outro: Thank you for listening to the real fi podcast where you learn from the investors that have lived, the hard lessons for you to connect with us during your pursuit of financial independence.

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